We diagnose and treat any form of diabetes, including Type 1, Type 2, gestational diabetes, pre-diabetes, and  assist you with every level of your diabetes care. In addition to diagnosis and treatment, we provide education and screenings, as well as referral to wound care specialists who provide fast and expert care that help you prevent possible infection and heal as completely as possible.


At Premier Internal Medicine, we work with you to control your blood pressure through lifestyle changes and medication. Although blood pressure varies among individuals, the normal level is generally 120/80 or below. In addition to medication treatment (if needed), we provide you the tools to make Important lifestyle changes including proper diet, regular exercise, smoking cessation, and reduced alcohol consumption.


We are there for you every step of the way – from early adulthood through the child-bearing years to menopause, and beyond. Our services includes physical examination and the latest preventive care, as well as screenings specific to women’s health such as hormonal changes, cervical cancer, sexual health consultations, contraception, menopausal symptom management, osteoporosis, lab services and medical imaging services.


Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) provides valuable information about your lungs and how they are functioning through a tests that shows the volume of air you are breathing, the efficient of your lungs and how well oxygen is delivered to your bloodstream. For example, your doctor may request the test when your lung capacity is decreased due to asthma or smoking.


Proactive wellness examination help you stay healthy by ensuring that your screenings, and immunizations are up-to-date. Our ultimate goal is to early detect any medical alerts. The wellness assessment focuses on prevention and includes a comprehensive medical history review and medical exam for early detection of heart disease and other serious medical conditions.


Our allergy clinic specializes in testing and treating environmental allergies, as well as allergies due to drugs, food, and insects. You may have allergies if you regularly suffer from conditions such as asthma; runny or stuffy nose; sneezing or itchy nose, coughing or chronic bronchitis; sore or itchy throat; red, itchy or watery eyes; recurrent ear infections; or hives and itchy skin.


We are delighted to announce our new Medication assisted treatment program (MAT) for opiod use disorder which includes Buprenorphone/naloxone regimen otherwise known as Suboxone, Bunavail and Zubsolv at Premier Internal Medicine. During our warm and private consultation with you, we ensure that we understand your experience and goals so that together we can discuss your treatment options and provide you with the best individualized treatment plan. Opioid dependence is a serious condition with wide reaching effects on the entire community. As a result, specially trained and board certified providers at our facility take the time to understand your individual situation.


24-Hour Holter Monitoring
Standard Laboratory Tests
2D Echocardiogram (Echo)
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
General Ultrasound



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